Tuesday, March 27, 2012

M.E.N.D. Service Learning 3/23/12

On Friday, March 23rd i volunteered for the first time at M.E.N.D. (Meeting Each Need with Dignity)  a non-profit organization that helps those who are in poverty and who are in need the most in the San Fernando Valley. 75% of our MEND recipients live on $10,000 or less a year. This organization is also 99% volunteer driven and is privately funded with no solicited government grants. I specifically was able to work at the clothing department where donated goods are put out on display like a store and are picked out for free by MEND recipients who are eligible to receive these goods. They have a time limit and are only able to get a limited number of items so that others can have a chance as well to pick and get what they want. I was basically assigned to take out hangers that were lying around and put them in a container where they are to be used again. I also went to the back storage where all the donated goods are kept and picked out several items such as shoes, bags, purses, etc. that i felt were good enough to be on display for MEND recipients to be able to get. After picking out which i thought was good enough, i would go to the inventory computer that they had and would check out those items so that MEND would know that these items were put out on display. Finally, the last assignment i did that day was assigned to help out set out round tables and chairs outside, which i believe was for a seminar for incoming volunteers that was going to happen later on that day. In conclusion, i enjoyed my first time working here at MEND and look forward to volunteering here again.

I volunteered 4 hours (3/23/12)


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